Labor Unions

Canadian auto workers make just $2/hour more to start than 28 years ago

GM Oshawa Hiring Sign
Adjusting for inflation, the $22 per hour that GM applicants were offered in 1995 translates into $39.57 an hour today, according to the Bank of Canada inflation calculator. (GREG LAYSON)
September 14, 2023 03:34 PM

A two-day recruiting drive in early 1995 saw more than 25,000 applicants queue up in frigid January weather to put their names in contention for future production jobs at GM Canada’s Oshawa campus. Parka-clad job seekers stood in line between snowbanks, lit barrel fires to keep warm and caused backups on Highway 401 for a shot at job postings paying $22 an hour, according to contemporary press reports.

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